Thursday 26 July 2012

I wonder, if I walk into Evans demanding a dress in a size 10 for £10 I can then get my story in the Daily Mail for them being size-ist and erm money-ist? I have just read yet another article with someone ranting and raving because a wedding dress shop didn't stock size 16 samples or any dresses within her budget. Wouldn't you just go to a different shop that had your size and that you could afford? Why do some people think everything should be catered to them and shops aren't allowed to have a niche?

Thursday 19 July 2012

Would you rather?

And would you eat

if it meant doing

? And the 30 day shred is a pretty brutal workout. Knowing you have to do all the killer exercises twice makes it that bit harder mentally than something like Tae-bo where I can never remember the sequence and it keeps changing.

I went shopping for work clothes today. I've tried to do this many times but I either don't find anything and give up or I buy something, change my mind and take it back a week later. I had a faux-wake up call when I tried on a size 10 fitted shirt and it was a bit tight. Then I tried on a 12 and it was tight. 14? Tight. Then I held them all up together and realised they were all exactly the same size but with different size labels. Weird, huh? I should still fit comfortably into a size 10 though, I'm short, young and of reasonably small build so it's safe to say that I need to focus on my body again and lose a few pounds! The other thing I realised is that I don't have trouble shopping because I don't like the clothes, it's because I don't like the way I look/feel in the clothes. I love clothes!

Monday 16 July 2012

I did it!

I now have a first class degree in mathematics! 
I did the rounds calling/texting the usual people and did get a bit teary eyed when I remembered I couldn't call Nan. She got ill in April and passed away at the beginning of May. She was already chuffed that I'd gone to uni in the first place as I was the first in the whole extended family, but she would be ringing up half of Birmingham right now. I can't quite believe I did so well this semester with all that went on. I attended my Nan's funeral, handed in and presented my dissertation and sat all my exams in the space of a week.
Right, now it's time to get on with my new job and my OU degree.

I just got this message from my sister: Why didn't you dumb yourself down a bit, now dad will expect me to get a first and that's impossible

Sunday 15 July 2012


Since moving to a flat with nowhere to grow (not even a window ledge) and an allotment waiting list longer than a murder sentence, I've start foraging more. I've been scouting out the best local foraging spots and I've noticed that there's so much unused land here and noone seems to enjoy the countryside and woods that surround the town. I started wondering, if next time I take a bag of nettles home would anyone even realise if I planted cuttings of another weed or even kale seedlings in their place? There are also small patches of recently coppiced woodland where light now reaches the ground and nettles are starting to grow. I could easily scatter those patches with seeds and cuttings and they may well grow.
OH actually works in a lab and is going to analyse a few samples on his break and bring home some old soil suitable fot potting. I have no idea why I never thought to ask him to bring home potting soil before, like when i had a garden.

Thursday 12 July 2012

"Yes, that's a tampon in my mouth"

I just read the most amazing thing ever. This isn't just any tampon, it's an M&S ta... no! It's a Tactical Adventure Medical Preparedness Outdoors Necessity.

I have to try some of those!

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Loaded Questions

OH just asked me "Do you think middle class people are intrinsically better than lower class people? Because they have more money" almost completely out of the blue. Most definitely a loaded question, and you know when you can tell someone's expecting, if not willing, you to give a certain answer? Well according to OH almost a year ago I thought middle class people were better than lower class people. I would never say that. It's one of those things that I would never, ever say. It's completely the opposite of everything I believe and the way I've been brought up- the opposite of me in general!
My OH often says that I interpret things in the wrong way and I forget what I've said or remember situations wrongly. Generally it's things that happened months ago in passing conversation and I don't remember every little thing so I just accept that he's right, but I'm seriously starting to doubt that. Maybe it's him getting things wrong? It always seemed a bit suspect that I'm the baddy in the "right" story.

Monday 9 July 2012

Soufflé Omelette

This post on Frugal Queen's blog and my recent obsession with whisking things inspired
me to make one of my favourite low cost, low carb dishes for lunch today.

Soufflé Omelette!

I originally thought this was just another of
my experiments that noone else would touch
with a barge pole, but apparently it's perfectly

Whisk two egg whites- like hell I'm going to
get an electric whisk out for this, just rub a
hand one between your palms! Fold them
into a handful of chopped spinach and two
egg yolks (or one or zero even!) and fry for
a minute. Top with a few slivers of cheese
then grill for another minute or two.

It's lovely and fluffy, until you fold it and squash
half the air out like I do. It makes a measely
two egg omelette feel much more substantial.